1. The factors that affect my participation or experience in this class or limited to the things that I allow to hassle me which essentially means that I do not have any factors that will hinder my ability to participate. The tides are mostly all in my favor and I have a computer and cell phone with internet and other tools to be successful in this class.
2. The best learning experience I have ever been through was most likely one of Mr. Greeley's lectures. We learned the realities of the US debt and other problems affecting all of us. I was in his classroom, and instead of doing an assignment, he took the opportunity to talk to us about these problems and called it a teaching opportunity that inspires him and aren't planned. I learned that an active lecturer makes active listeners and active listeners make good learners.
3. I am most excited for the opportunities of greatness and success this class offers each and everyone of its participants. Each student has potential to do great things and this class gives us this opportunity. The work load does concern me because I have many things on my plate but I am not afraid to try. I look forward to those "wow, that's so true", or " I never thought of that!" moments that learning something new offers you. I hope this class makes me become more tech savvy and teaches me how to use the internet to my advantage.
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